Privacy Policy

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Okay so boom, I'm not stealing anything and I don't plan on it, ever. Thank you for your time 😌
I'll also find a way to add a changelog to this page so you can see iterations.

Quick breakdown while I'm building stuff goes like this. I and Tunji Productions won't EVER take information or data unless its explicitly consented for. If a feature is cool but needs access to a pic or a song or sumn, we'll let you know, each time. I don't think you should have to second guess if we're listening in.
Now. What you can expect,

    Camera/Photo/Media Access
    Uploading a profile pic, optional and we'll only save the latest. That's about it, nothing else we need from your phone, I pinky promise.
    Speaker Access
    To play music. From your speakers. A shocker, I'm aware.
    Internet access
    Gotta sign up and see stuff somehow. :)
    That's honestly all we need, if there are more permissions then I'll trim em down when I can. Pinky promise #2
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